Adorning Bodies with my designs.
I view my drawings as charms; talismans of sorts that can be random and decorative but also can provide joy, reassurance, remembrance, et cetera.
They are markings engraved on a breathing, living surface: a body. Placed on flesh to become one with the individuals that wear them. They no longer belong to me nor did they ever belong, they exist and are there to be chosen, picked by the persons that will carry them, for as long as their hearts pumps blood to the rest of the organs. I believe that the markings find their home and are chosen by their wearer as much as they have chosen their host. It is like a symbiotic relationship that exists with a purpose. This purpose or reason does not have to hold reason or logic, it need no justification. It is allowed to exist as random, as a reason can also be innate or unknown yet still present none the less.
The idea that my art has traveling homes and can accompany a huemain throughout their existence brings me so much joy. I thank all of you for allowing it/them to co-exist together.
Here you can click and look through the designs from my sketchbook and choose which one speaks to you.
I believe this to be an intuitive process. If something resonates you’ll know (sometimes to process is quick and intuitive, and sometimes it takes longer to “chose” and that is ok too).
I liked the aesthetic of how the shapes/drawings looked, as that is often how they appear in real life on the pages of my sketchbook. So with some modifications to layout and color, I decided to try out this new form of choosing a design.